This is a level I have designed to be based in the game Rainbow Six Siege the map is based in a whiskey distillery in the Scottish highlands with a loch adjacent.
Project Objective
The purpose of this project was for me to get back into the flow of Level design as well as teach myself some of the new techniques that are available in UE5. So to do this I choose a game that I have put multiple hours in and have an idea already of how to make the mechanics. One of my favourite processes that I have learned in UE5 is packed blueprints it makes iterating on designs easy as you can take individual parts of the level into separate levels to edit them without fear of effecting the rest of the level. If I was to continue editing this level I would need to start adding the multiplayer aspects of the game and get a couple of people to test it with me. This would allow me to get a better impression on what areas currently feel imbalanced and need more work.
Software Used​
Unreal Engine 5
On my third iteration of the level I made some large changes to the designs of multiple of the rooms, getting rid of the corridors reducing the size of the level and the amount of large empty spaces. I also created a layout for the outside area of the level where the attackers would start, adding drone holes for the ability to navigate through the level as well implementing some blueprints of the basic functionality for cameras and drone spawning.
Areas need to improve:
Main entrance to the building does not feel grand enough and does not draw the player to it
Play around with orientation of the entrance ​
move the parking lot out more and further to the left to open up the space in front of the entrance more
Circular room still feels to cramped -
need to readjust the locations of objects
reducing the amount of large stairs
add more height to the rooms
Need more curves in the building to soften areas in particular on the room with the distillery
Still need more cover in areas near start points
Make it so more of the barrels on the outside can be climbed up on to get more height as currently can't use them but positioned in a way that makes people want to climb them
Areas that are good:
Space is a much more appropriate size
Rooms feel more exciting and less like corridors
With simple meshes of objects in the rooms and a landscape you get an idea of a real space that you can imagine walking round in person
The meshes also help to show how players can use the shapes for cover and has allowed for some interesting points to play around.
The level has a lot more height variation
Rooms all feel different there are no two rooms that feel the same and most do not feel just like a box
I further developed the level improving on some of the areas that needed work as well as further filling out some of the key models in the levels to be able to get a greater feel for how the level will play out.
Areas need to improve:
In the first room the left hand side is too cramped there is to much going on that people would not head to it
most of the rooms feel to open and there are not enough points for people to hide between and peak out of for cover
Need to add more accurate meshes to a lot of the rooms to be able to get a better impression of them so closer to the barrel room
In the docking bay room have it that only one door is accessible maybe add a truck that you can go inside and use as cover
To many rooms feels to long reduce the amount, mostly get rid of third floor as does not add much
second room in the cylinder section does not add much need to change up that area to be more interesting
Many of the rooms feel like corridors with having straight line of sights to another door
To many corridors that don't add much
Still add more height variation in some of the rooms
Change up door and wall locations in rooms with 2 floors so that they not in the same place as each other to make them feel like different rooms.
Areas that are good:
Barrel and mashing room are in a good position only need to make a few small tweaks to them
Really starting to get a strong impression of how some of the rooms will play
Height variation is a lot better in this iteration
Rooms have interesting shapes and can already see lines of sights that people can use
This was my first blockout of the level in UE5, I did a very quick layout of only the rooms and basic door and window locations giving me an idea of the size and spaces of the level. This blockout allowed me to see some of the major issues of the space and the flow of the level as well as what was working well.
Areas need to improve:
Corridors too thin
Stairs to short in the second room need to add flat bit in the middle to lengthen and split the levels up and make more interesting to play around
Cylinder room feels too tight
Many of the ceilings feel to low
Couple of the later rooms feel to big and need to be reduced
All the rooms are flat need more height variation in them
Areas that are good:
A lot of the rooms have some interesting shapes
Space feels good to walk around
Can already get the impression of the level and setting
These are my initial paper plans as well as my final paper plan that I based my first blockout on. I created 6 designs taking some aspects that I enjoyed from each design and iterating on it to create new designs. The design I liked the most was design 4 so took this further for my final design. While making improvements to the design I looked at how easy it was to get to the different floors adding in more ways to get between them. I also looked at some of the room layouts and tried to give them more visual interest with the shapes of them so that they felt less blocky then in the original design